1.) Brown -- (Rainbow-brand flip-flops)
2.) Maybe my eyes? I don't really know!
3.) Aww, shucks, I don't know... but I am a listener and I care about people.
4.) Chicken just because it's not as expensive as steak... but I love both!
5.) Hazel
6.) Lol, no, I actually don't swear at all... I say a lot of non-cuss words like shoot, heck, dang it, suck egg mule, law, crap, durn, etc. I'm a hillbilly girl.
7.) Always late!!! It's not something I'm proud of, but it's true nonetheless.
8.) Haha!! Well, I generally punch myself in the face by accident, does that count? Anyway, I don't punch, I kick
9.) I don't know! I will have to ask my Banjarmasin friends. But I do know that they found a species of snake near there not too long ago that can change colours!