Do the people of Banjarmasin eat snakes?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Do the people of Banjarmasin eat snakes?
Sixteen answers:
2008-04-28 15:08:29 UTC
1.) Brown -- (Rainbow-brand flip-flops)

2.) Maybe my eyes? I don't really know!

3.) Aww, shucks, I don't know... but I am a listener and I care about people.

4.) Chicken just because it's not as expensive as steak... but I love both!

5.) Hazel

6.) Lol, no, I actually don't swear at all... I say a lot of non-cuss words like shoot, heck, dang it, suck egg mule, law, crap, durn, etc. I'm a hillbilly girl.

7.) Always late!!! It's not something I'm proud of, but it's true nonetheless.

8.) Haha!! Well, I generally punch myself in the face by accident, does that count? Anyway, I don't punch, I kick

9.) I don't know! I will have to ask my Banjarmasin friends. But I do know that they found a species of snake near there not too long ago that can change colours!
I Pee In Ottawa's Face!
2008-04-28 13:16:46 UTC
1. I wore a pair of blue and white nikes today. I had gym class!

2. My eyes! haha I love them

3. I laugh a lot and am easy to get along with

4. Chicken! Mmmm

5. Bluegrey color.

6. Nope! OMFG only during f*in hockey games that the mofos f*cked up dam mofos! J/k I rarely swear!

7. Early. I went to a Pens game 2 and a half hours early only to realize they don't let you in until an hour before the game!

8. 15. I am 15 now!

9. Yeah! Everyone eats snakes!
2016-04-11 07:03:31 UTC
In your eyes nasty not to them but no reason to go to China look to some of your western states during a snake round up , way to many snake sin an area people in groups will catch them, some people then eat the snakes in celebration. Actually there is nothing wrong with snake meat as I understand if properly prepare the taste is good.
2008-04-28 12:28:56 UTC
1. Black with silver bottom.

2. Deep Voice.

3. I care about people.

4. Chicken.

5. Hazel.

6. **** yea!

7. On time.

8. 14. (I am 15 now). I told that 17 year old not to fu*k with me! When I'm pissed, anyone can get hit in the face.

9. I eat snakes. J/K
2008-04-28 12:31:11 UTC
1. Flip Flops arent shoes to me

2. My eyes

3. I do not know a stranger, I am always friendly to anyone

4. Steak (grill it 2 mins on each side to sear in juices, and enjoy your meat the right way)

5. Brown

6. Only when drinking!

7. I am in the 5min early to 5min late basically on time. I would be early if I was meeting you.

8. Early 20s protecting myself in an unavoidable bar scrum.... so quite a long time

9. I do not know!
2008-04-28 14:27:14 UTC
1. Brown and white

2. Oh Haley, do i really have to say it out loud?

3. Im funny. i think.

4. Neither. hate em both.

5. Brown

6. not a bunch, sometimes.

7. somewhere between on time and always late.

8. like a week younger.

9. Do Cambodian people eat cats?
2008-04-28 13:42:25 UTC
1. Black and white. I bummed it out and wore Adida's sandals. lol

2. Nothing, lmao.

3. I get mad easily...but I never hold a grudge.

4. Chicken

5. Blueish...grayish.

6. No, not really. I've seen people who swear more.

7. Always late....=b

8. Hm....I don't normally punch people in the face. BUT.....the last time I did was when I was 10.

9. Where is Banjarmasin? I feel stupid. lol
2008-04-28 18:38:37 UTC
1. Black

2. my Eyes

3. Very complex but down to Earth

4. Chicken since I have to eat leaner meats.

5. Brown

6. You mother F*cking bet I f*cking do swear a sh**load.

7. Always early.

8. 17

9. They eat anything that doesn't move faster than them.
2008-04-28 14:58:41 UTC
1) The squirrel's I killed last week.

2) My mommy says its my dimples.

3) Heart of a lion.

4) What ever is dead, we eat.

5) Brown

6) Not a potty mouth.

7) All

8) I was wrestling a alligator yesterday.

9) For breakfast we eat snakes, lunch we eat bears, and for dinner we eat dinosaurs.
2008-04-28 14:26:53 UTC
1. I don't plan on wearing any shoes today

2. IDK

3. It takes a lot to get me angry, and I can keep cool when I am totally ticked.

4. Chicken

5. Brown

6. No I don't swear much

7. About on time

8. I don't think I've every punched anyone in the face.

9. IDK they might
DAZzle (Doing Stuff, Since 1987)
2008-04-28 15:58:49 UTC
1) i haven't worn any shoes today, the last time i had there were white and red running shoes

2) eyes or legs

3) very easy to get along with

4) Chicken

5) a sort of bluey, greeny grey

6) i hardly ever do

7) late

8) 17

9) yep, and i think some of the snakes eat the people too
2008-04-28 13:55:36 UTC
1) White, and all torn up

2) teeth

3) I don't get too angry

4) I don't eat either of them

5) Hazel

6) I swear all the time

7) I'm always late

8) I can't remember ever doing that, so I must have been real young

9. What the hell is Banjarmasin?
2008-04-28 18:37:15 UTC
1. Brown

2. Legs

3. My sense of humor

4. Chicken

5. Blue

6. Only at home and I' mtryingto cut that down too. My cat complained.

7. Early. I was born early too.

8. 27

9. Yep that's what i hear.
2008-04-28 15:26:32 UTC
1.) Right now, none. Earlier I had on my grubby gray sneakers.

2.) My smile

3.) I am very friendly to those I like =)

4.) Chicken

5.) Blue

6.) Yes, I can't seem to stop =(

7.) On time

8.) I don't think I ever have!

9.) I bet!
Ian M
2008-04-28 12:58:06 UTC
1) Black

2) My eyes

3) I care too much about others

4) Chicken

5) Blue/Green

6) Not at until I'm with the guys playing Hockey

7) Early or on time

8) When I was 24ish

9) Yes they do
2008-04-28 14:04:27 UTC
Brown Loafers

My Build I guess. I dunno that sounds weird, but all my girlfriends said they loved how tall I was and my broad shoulders.

I've been told i'm very personable.

Chicken because you can do more with it, but I like steak better.


Like a sailor.

Always early, I am a little bit anal about this.

21.... lol

Yes, I saw something on Indonesia on the Food Network and they did lol.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.