If Banjarmasin is on a delta, why is the land so flat in all of the pictures of the country?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
If Banjarmasin is on a delta, why is the land so flat in all of the pictures of the country?
Eleven answers:
Kimmy (Will not back down)
2008-05-28 09:38:41 UTC
1) I don't think so. We probably would walk more like an Emu or ostrich

2)Super Friends and Scooby

3)Not really. I usually only read books on things that I find interesting


5)A little. Not too much. But they do make me nervous.

6)Black or blue sometimes deep purple too

7)Nah. It is supposed to be the thought that counts. I could always regift it back to them and see how long that gift goes back and forth

8)Some Brits do sound rather smart IE Allistair Cooke. But some sound super silly and dumb IE Wendy Richards

9)My guess would be the delta was much larger at some point and where the city is now used to be underwater.
Sweety Singh
2008-05-28 13:40:12 UTC
1. I only walk because I have no other option, if I could fly I would always fly.

2. Since I'm only 15 it is the present tense for me and not the past tense. I like ZIts and Adam @ Home.

3. I am definitely a book person. When I was 7 I put a $50 bill in a book as a bookmark. My whole family went crazy looking for it. Serves them right for giving a 7 year old money instead of a proper present.

4. Fingernail cutter, I used to bite my nails but now it seems repulsive. And now with my braces I wouldn't be able to bite them even if I wanted to.

5. I've never really been in a position where I would be able to see if I am or am not afraid of heights but I think I would be.

6. Blue and white, the colours of my favourite team. I think I look pretty good in any colour but I can't be the judge of that, somebody else will have to tell me.

7. I wouldn't say anything to her but later on I would tell another friend. Something similar kind of happened to me. She gave me a skirt that didn't even cover my ***. I don't wear skirts that often and even if I did God knows my parents would never let me wear a skirt that short. And you could tell the skirt was something she had gotten, but never wore so she decided to give it to me. Cheap assholes!

8. This is one of the mysteries of the world, like why do Asian girls have such nice hair? India is right beside China what's in their water that's not in ours. (I don't live in India nor was I born there but I am of Indian background and my parents were born and raised there).

9. Huh?
2008-05-28 08:00:53 UTC
1. Yea, we would.

2. Scooby Doo!! Good times.

3. No, I do not read often at all, however, I am required to read four lengthy books this summer for school.

4. Fingernail peeler.

5. No.

6. Black.

7. No, it's very rude to say something bad about a gift when the giver is right beside you.

8. I can do a very good British accent, and I sound dumber when I sound British, Scottish, Irish, English accented Dutch, English accented Russian, or redneck. I make good accents for all of those. :)

9. Puck Bunny burials.
2008-05-28 06:29:49 UTC
I'd walk like a Penguin...

Never watched them, I was always playing traveling around playing sports.

Yeah, I read all the time. Only Non-Fiction though, for some reason I think fictions a waste of time... I used to love Grisham though.



Black, alot of people say I look good in Red and Blue too.

Depends if I liked it.

Depends. In my mind there are two types of British accents one sounds high class and smarter, and the other sounds awful and very unintellegent.

I've got nothing here lol.
2008-05-28 06:37:10 UTC
1)Why would they walk?I'd be flying constantly.

2)Snorks or Scooby

3)Not really a book person unless someone tells me aboot a great book.


5)YES.Which sucked being a roofer for a few months.

6)I guess gray or red..

7)Even if I didn't see an old gift tag I'd still accuse him of regifting.."How did you know I wanted a 1978 Rolling Stones T Shirt and the stains and all?"

8)I agree.I wouldn't be surprised if Lennox Lewis is a genius but I would have trouble believing one of the hottest chicks on the planet Elizabeth Hurley is a mensa member.

9)What the hell is Banjarmasin.
2008-05-28 09:08:58 UTC
1) as long as we didn't fly like chickens........

2) Love the old Looney Tunes ones. Bugs bunny/daffy Duck and who could not love Acme's best customer Wiley coyote.

3) I read a lot, probably average a book a week.

4) Clipper

5) no

6) Me look good??? I look less bad in Black.

7) no but he might get it back on his/her B-day.

8) Never noticed that-

9 Erosion by water and wind since the river dried up?
2008-05-28 08:36:19 UTC
1) They would fly like ducks

2) Woody the Woodpecker!

3) No, it is hard for me to get into books, but when I do I can't put them down. The last book I read- Miracle in the Andes was one of those books. I started to read it around 5pm and I didn't finish until 7am- I couldn't put it down

4) I bite my nails

5) Very much so

6) I don't look good in any color. I guess I will say green, but I dunno

7) I would just give it back to him on his birthday

8) lol

9) If I go there I will ask someone
2008-05-28 06:20:17 UTC
1. Who needs to walk if you can fly

2. Freakazoid and Scooby Doo.

3. Yeah. I read manga mostly

4. Clipper

5. Nope.

6. Probably Red but I look okay in any color.

7. Nope

8. No

9. IDK

Joe and Jay K does that mean you won't go skydiving with me then???? The planes not that far up. jk lol:)
2008-05-28 16:21:26 UTC
1. i know we would taste like Chicken

2. Gubbs Nubby....but i did always wish i could be Drunkie Smurf

3. i read a lot of repair manuals & they count?

4. bit them all off in the Pens series

5. me yes...yet my brother services the towers out by Conshahocken. we are so similar yet miles apart

6. Black and Orange

7. why it would be the only thing ive been given in years

8. i assume you mean smarter than a Pens fan

9. did we invade and bomb them too?
2008-05-29 08:24:06 UTC
1. we'd walk (or more accurately, "waddle") like ducks, only if we had webbed feet. (notice how sandpipers "skitter" across the sand?). i'm w/ Joe. skip this walking stuff. i'd fly.

2. i grew up in a very "paranoid" home. we had to "sneak" Sat. morning cartoons. hmm, i'd have to say, "Mighty Orbots" (ABC).

3. yes, at least at one time. i've received several compliments on my library. but my eyes are bigger than my brain lately (not my stomach). i have a LONG list of "to read" books still. doesn't help that we have 2 kids under 24 months. kinda puts the kabosh on deep reading. i'm more into titles like "Curious George" and "Billy learns to go Potty".

4. clipper. it's more sanitary.

5. no, but i do have an overactive imagination. so i can't look down for too long.

6. plaid. (actually it's blue)

7. nope. i don't read into the gifts that people give. i haven't always had much, so it truly is the "thought that counts". besides, some "re-gifts" are uniquely good for a unique person, but yet not for others.

8. i don't know. well, i'll take a stab at it. Americans slur their words more. British articulate more. Americans tend also to make a "nasal" sound w/o realizing it, and take the "Staccato" (sharpness) out of words. like making "short" vowel sounds into "long" vowel sounds, w/o realizing it. like the words "egg" and "leg" and "milk". i've always wondered this too. some of it is subconscious perceptions from childhood (not necessarily from parents, but just how "royalty" is "supposed" to talk like.)

9. this is not uncommon. look at the Nile delta. the exit of the water tends to flatten out the land. yet coupled w/ nearby moisture makes it good for farming. (see Ganghes River)

ADD - #8; similar thing w/ how some people infer that a Southern accent implies stupidity. especially if the person w/ the "accent" is talking loudly. i'm sure all of us "northerners" sound pretty stupid too. shoot, some people don't have to even open their mouth to sound stupid. (look at me. lol)
DAZzle (Doing Stuff, Since 1987)
2008-05-28 10:03:34 UTC
1) no, their body shape is still the same so i guess they still walk normally

2) tom and jerry (you can't beat a bit of cat and mouse)

3) i do read quite a bit

4) clipper

5) yes

6) black (in the dark)

7) no

8) it's because the British are smarter...

9) aren't delta supposed to be flat...?

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