1. we'd walk (or more accurately, "waddle") like ducks, only if we had webbed feet. (notice how sandpipers "skitter" across the sand?). i'm w/ Joe. skip this walking stuff. i'd fly.
2. i grew up in a very "paranoid" home. we had to "sneak" Sat. morning cartoons. hmm, i'd have to say, "Mighty Orbots" (ABC).
3. yes, at least at one time. i've received several compliments on my library. but my eyes are bigger than my brain lately (not my stomach). i have a LONG list of "to read" books still. doesn't help that we have 2 kids under 24 months. kinda puts the kabosh on deep reading. i'm more into titles like "Curious George" and "Billy learns to go Potty".
4. clipper. it's more sanitary.
5. no, but i do have an overactive imagination. so i can't look down for too long.
6. plaid. (actually it's blue)
7. nope. i don't read into the gifts that people give. i haven't always had much, so it truly is the "thought that counts". besides, some "re-gifts" are uniquely good for a unique person, but yet not for others.
8. i don't know. well, i'll take a stab at it. Americans slur their words more. British articulate more. Americans tend also to make a "nasal" sound w/o realizing it, and take the "Staccato" (sharpness) out of words. like making "short" vowel sounds into "long" vowel sounds, w/o realizing it. like the words "egg" and "leg" and "milk". i've always wondered this too. some of it is subconscious perceptions from childhood (not necessarily from parents, but just how "royalty" is "supposed" to talk like.)
9. this is not uncommon. look at the Nile delta. the exit of the water tends to flatten out the land. yet coupled w/ nearby moisture makes it good for farming. (see Ganghes River)
ADD - #8; similar thing w/ how some people infer that a Southern accent implies stupidity. especially if the person w/ the "accent" is talking loudly. i'm sure all of us "northerners" sound pretty stupid too. shoot, some people don't have to even open their mouth to sound stupid. (look at me. lol)