1. Well certain something I do have to touch with my hands if you know what i mean.
2 Yes, cause who know when the last time that handle was disinfected.
3. Yeah on been while and I wasn't sober enough to care about the smell.
4.Why would i sit on the seat, I stand to pee.
5. Lysol is a wonderful thing. I can spray it everywhere and I do spray it every where. Light switches, handles, knobs, bars and hooks you name it I spray it.
6. It doesn't matter, stand a foot back and let er go, stream will find its way home.
7. Kinda funny but classical the outhouse never was that big. So guess they just figured to keep it the same.
8. Yeah and I hear the wealthy even have two holers.
Side note, the family farm in Missouri still has the outhouse in the barn yard, along with the the pump well, smoke house and other buildings used before modern times, I have been told its a sign of our family wealth that our out house was a two holer and larger then most. For those that have never seen a two holer, its a bench with two holes in it for siting on instead of one.
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